The EB-3 Visa Program was created by Act of Congress in 1990. The primary intent of this employment-based Green Card option is to help U.S. employers find foreign workers who are qualified, available and willing to fill jobs the employers have been unable to fill with U.S. workers from their local job markets. In exchange for receiving and accepting a qualifying job offer from an authorized U.S. employer, the foreign worker and their immediate family members (their spouse and any unmarried children under 21 years of age) will all be able to receive their Green Cards and immigrate on a permanent resident basis to the United States. And after five years of residence here, they will each be eligible to apply for U.S. citizenship.
The EB-3 Visa Program

10,000 Green Cards are reserved for use each year by foreign workers who are willing to accept an offer of employment from the types of U.S. employers we work with; but due to the complexity and timing requirements associated with this type of permanent resident visa option, many of these visas are not used by these types of workers each year – and the unused visas in this category are frequently used to relieve backlogs that had previously accumulated for applicants from certain countries.
Due to the significant number of unused visas available in this employment-based Green Card category each year, literally thousands of opportunities exist annually for foreign workers who are available for this type of work to obtain Green Cards for themselves and their family members.
We hope you’ll soon be one of them!
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